Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Natural Remedies

If you want to learn about natural remedies then this article will be right up your alley. Specifically, I'll be telling you about natural vs. chemically made. God gave us great resources, and we need to take advantage of this gift of nature. If you put this information to use you should be able to have a healthier life.
Understanding herbs and supplements are vital to natural remedies. You need to know what to use and what not to use! Nature treats your body better than drugs and man made chemicals are your body's enemy. Both statements are true.

And that brings us to the fact that God gave us great resources to help heal our bodies and in general live a healthy life
We need to utilize these resources and stop depending on Pharmaceuticals. You will feel better and will be much healthier!. Pharmaceutical companies are money mongers. They make billions of dollars every year! They don't want you to know that there are other things available that is much more inexpensive. Take advantage of the gift of nature and save money. Project Greenlife is a store I buy a lot of my products from. I especially love the MMS. It kills viruses and bacteria!

Realizing these facts is are huge part of getting much healthier! Don't give your money to drug companies Save your money! Most importantly, you will be on the right track to getting healthier!

Conclusion: Natural remedies are possible to understand, and you should always be informed about how dangerous drugs can be. Take advantage of the gift of nature. Now that you know about the power of natural remedies, I hope you continue to learn more and do your research before giving your money to the Pharmaceutical Companies.

Open Your Eyes America!

Welcome and thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I have been researching facts about medical versus natural remedies. I truely believe that we would be much healthier if we stopped believing the pharmaceutical companies that feed us their drugs.

Sometimes, knowingly, they put a drug out on the market fully aware that is it not safe. And sometimes they get away with it, other times they are caught. Do you ever notice though that when they ARE caught, the mainstream media doesn't make a big deal out of it? It is so frustrating to many of us that those drug companies and the mainstream media feel that we are not important enough to know the truth. Why are they hiding some of these facts? Well I believe it comes down to one fact. If people know about their secrets, they would lose massive amounts of money. I mean MASSIVE!

I think it's time that we the American people should take back our freedom and stop buying expensive drugs and turn to herbal medicines and supplements. The more you read about it, the more you will understand that herbal medicines are just as effective as their counterparts. PLUS there are far fewer side effects to deal with!

My goal here is to keep informing people about what is available and that they don't have to depend on the Big Pharma to get well and maintaining their health.

I hope you stick around and check my articles that I come across that are written by many enlightened authors, MD's that practice homeopathy, and people like me that are fed up with being told how to live our lives!
Thanks for reading!

Julie Haller LPN