Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer

by: Joe Rote

Natural herbal remedies are drawing the attention of many traditional medical practitioners to rapidly recognize the ability of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that have the ability to treat and prevent various human and animal illnesses, as well as properties that can enhance mental attitude, appearance, and performance.

Many centuries of experimentation by many cultures, for example Indian herbal medicine (Ayurvedic), Chinese herbal medicine, and western herbal medicine have created many uses for plants either singularly or in compounds, and sometimes animal by products to prevent and treat various conditions and illnesses.

A natural remedy can be anything from tea, to complex preparations of herbal compounds used in hospitals and clinics. These formulas come in many forms such as capsules, pills, ointments, and gels.

You may be using some of the common herbs as a food in your home such as:

* Garlic--natural antibiotic and helps reduce cholesterol

* Cinnamon--lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides

* Ginger--prevents motion sickness and lowers risk of blood clots

* Chamomile Tea--calms nerves and help relieve digestive problems

* Peppermint--Treats many digestion and gastrointestinal problems

These common herbs may be mixed with other proven natural products to achieve a particular result.

Traditional medicine is very useful for diagnosis, emergencies, trauma and surgery, but often does not cut it for preventing disease from occurring. The time and wait needed to visit a doctor to get a prescription, and the ever growing cost of medicine is allowing an opportunity for many people to try to get help from natural products.

Many traditional medicines are showing many adverse side effects. Natural, is not necessarily safe, and may have unwanted side effects just as with conventional medicines, however a large ever growing number of the population has been using herbals, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for many years with very favorable results and no adverse effects.

Natural herbal products are now available for use by adults, children, and pets to remedy countless conditions from Angina and Arthritis, to skin care remedies, thyroid treatment, urinary tract infection and an unlimited number of other disorders.

Many new products have been compounded to remedy conditions other then disease, such as smoking cessation, removing unwanted hair, eliminating wrinkles and many other conditions.

One of the many natural herbal remedies could be your answer.

Joe Rote has spent 18 years in the health field, and is the webmaster of http://www.aa1info.com that will point you to high quality information, and natural herbal remedies that are produced under pharmaceutical conditions to ensure the highest degree of potency and consistency

To find other free health content see e-healtharticles.com

Open Your Eyes America!

Welcome and thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I have been researching facts about medical versus natural remedies. I truely believe that we would be much healthier if we stopped believing the pharmaceutical companies that feed us their drugs.

Sometimes, knowingly, they put a drug out on the market fully aware that is it not safe. And sometimes they get away with it, other times they are caught. Do you ever notice though that when they ARE caught, the mainstream media doesn't make a big deal out of it? It is so frustrating to many of us that those drug companies and the mainstream media feel that we are not important enough to know the truth. Why are they hiding some of these facts? Well I believe it comes down to one fact. If people know about their secrets, they would lose massive amounts of money. I mean MASSIVE!

I think it's time that we the American people should take back our freedom and stop buying expensive drugs and turn to herbal medicines and supplements. The more you read about it, the more you will understand that herbal medicines are just as effective as their counterparts. PLUS there are far fewer side effects to deal with!

My goal here is to keep informing people about what is available and that they don't have to depend on the Big Pharma to get well and maintaining their health.

I hope you stick around and check my articles that I come across that are written by many enlightened authors, MD's that practice homeopathy, and people like me that are fed up with being told how to live our lives!
Thanks for reading!

Julie Haller LPN